Directorty Opus 5 - Magellan 2
Opus 5 - Magellan 2.iso
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Text File
191 lines
; $VER: MWB_DOpus_8_Install 1.0 (11.8.96)
; This Installer script written by Leo Davidson.
;- Welcome -------------------------------------------------------------------
(welcome "MWB_DOpus v8.0")
;- Introductory message ------------------------------------------------------
(message "MWB_DOpus v8.0\n"
"by Trevor Morris Leo Davidson\n\n"
"MagicWorkbench toolbar icons and backdrops "
"for Directory Opus 5.5 (and other programs).")
;- Set where to do the install to --------------------------------------------
(set #target "DOpus5:")
(set @default-dest #target)
(if (not (= (exists #target (noreq)) 2))
(abort "Directory Opus 5.5 has not been (properly) installed.\n\n"
"You must install it before installing MWB_DOpus.")
;- Back-up the old Images drawer and copy new images -------------------------
(if (askbool (prompt "The old \"Images\" drawer will be backed-up and the new "
" toolbar images will be copied to the correct place.")
(choices "Proceed"
"Skip this part")
(default 1)
(help "This part installs all the toolbar images.")
(if (not (rename (tackon #target "Images") (tackon #target "Images1")
(prompt "The old \"DOpus5:Images\" drawer will be backed-up as "
(abort "Couldn't rename \"DOpus5:Images\" to \"DOpus5:Images1\".")
(copyfiles (source "Images")
(dest (tackon #target "Images"))
(optional force)
;- Copy the new icons (for programs, files, etc) -----------------------------
(if (askbool (prompt "The old DOpus5 file icons will be replaced by "
"MagicWorkbench versions.\n\n"
"Note: In case you have set some tooltypes in it, "
"the main DirectoryOpus icon will be left alone. You "
"should replace it manually as described in the help "
"guide which is installed later.")
(choices "Proceed"
"Skip this part")
(default 1)
(help "This part installs all the program and file icons.")
(copyfiles (source "DOpus_Icons")
(dest #target)
(optional force)
;- Copy the Help guide -------------------------------------------------------
(if (askbool (prompt "An AmigaGuide about MWB_DOpus 8, including hints & tips "
"will be copied to \"DOpus5:Help\".")
(choices "Proceed"
"Skip this part")
(default 1)
(help "This part installs the help guide.")
(copyfiles (source "Help/MWB_DOpus8_Help.guide")
(dest (tackon #target "Help"))
(optional force)
;- Copy the fonts ------------------------------------------------------------
(if (askbool (prompt "Some extra fonts will be copied to \"Fonts:\".\n"
"They are not essential to use MWB_DOpus.\n\n"
"These fonts are:\n"
"\"PolarSmall\", and,\n"
(choices "Proceed"
"Skip this part")
(default 1)
(help "This part installs some extra fonts.")
(copyfiles (source "Fonts")
(dest "Fonts:")
(optional force)
;- Copy the backdrops (ask where first) --------------------------------------
(if (askbool (prompt "You will now be asked where you want to install "
"the backdrop pictures, or you can \"skip\".")
(choices "Proceed"
"Skip this part")
(default 1)
(help "This part installs some backdrop pictures.")
(copyfiles (source "Backdrops")
(dest (askdir (prompt "Select where to install the backdrops:")
(help @askdir-help)
(default "Sys:Prefs/Presets")
) )
(optional force)
;- Copy the Index files (ask where first) ------------------------------------
(if (askbool (prompt "You will now be asked where you want to install "
"the index pictures which make it easy to find "
"particular icons in the collection, "
"or you can \"skip\".")
(choices "Proceed"
"Skip this part")
(default 1)
(help "This part installs the index pictures.")
(copyfiles (source "Index")
(dest (askdir (prompt "Select where to install the index "
(help @askdir-help)
(default (tackon #target "Help"))
) )
(optional force)
;- Copy the Disk icons (ask where first) -------------------------------------
(if (askbool (prompt "You will now be asked where you want to install "
"some disk icons which you can use to replace your "
"existing disk icons with if you want "
"or you can \"skip\".\n\n"
"You'll have to do the replacements yourself using "
"IconEdit (comes with Workbench) or MUIReIcon "
"(on Aminet).")
(choices "Proceed"
"Skip this part")
(default 1)
(help "This part installs some disk icons.\n"
"Your existing icons will not be replaced.")
(copyfiles (source "Disk_Icons")
(dest (askdir (prompt "Select where to install the disk "
(help @askdir-help)
(default "sys:prefs/presets")
) )
(optional force)
;- All Done ------------------------------------------------------------------
(exit "Be sure to read the help guide in \"DOpus5:Help\" for more info.")